How do I get work experience in a classroom? It's a common question for those interested by the idea of teaching. While work experience isn't always necessary for a teaching application, it does give you an insight into the profession and whether it's for you.
In normal times, a face to face interview for a teaching position in a Portsmouth school would have been commonplace. Now we find ourselves in a time where video conferencing has become the new normal. While this can't be helped due to social distancing, how do you prepare for an interview in a virtual world?
Since we launched Teach Portsmouth, we have attended events to promote the city as a place to live, learn and work as a teacher.
While the team cannot wait to see you all again soon, we felt it was time to tell Portsmouth's story online about those who matter most… our teachers.
A quick guide on how to start your teaching journey.
You might have seen the Department for Education's 'every lesson shapes a life' campaign but how do you start a career in teaching?
We are pleased to announce a brand new campaign that has launched just for you… introducing 'your time to teach.'
Like many campaigns to raise awareness, we start with one question: have you considered applying for initial teacher training this September? Many people have but are unsure how COVID-19 has affected what providers offer.